Mapumental http://mapumental.channel4.com
Private Beta
This is just one cool web mapping application. I think the possibilities for this down the road are endless.
This application, built by mySociety brings together OpenStreetMap data together with public transportation travel times, house prices and a value of how scenic the location is to your liking. All together in a great mashup of open source data, paid data and socially derived data.
I didn't play with the "Scenicness" factor too much - I was more than thrilled to be playing with the Traveline and Land Registry property sale information.
The 'slippy map', as our UK friends like to often refer the slider-friendly map, is fantastic. Instead of tons of panning and zooming and selecting we often see in GIS web applications, there is a series of sliders that instantly show you the effects of your parameter changes.
Marks for:
- Big plus for their help page - great example of some of the things that should be mentioned on the site: data delivery, concurrency and who to see for access.
- Ease of use - can't get any easier than three slider bars and a few pan / zoom controls. Love it.
- Overall site design - again, with the rest of the site - it is a simple nice design that just works. Doesn't over crowd you with 100 different options or buttons. It does it's thing and does it well.
- Speed - fantastic, the transport time meshed with housing prices barely takes a second to very quickly slide in and out based on your parameters. They've done a brilliant job here.
- Also with speed - the online map tips that pop up as you pan and zoom around the map are great. Instant access to the calculated transport time and the median housing prices, for anywhere.
- The future - I'm excited to see the type of other applications this could lead to. Think temporal GIS with other spatial datasets coming together into a simple to use application... I can't wait.
Marks against:
- As much as I love Open Street Maps data, concept, etc. - I just can't get over the fonts they use on their mapping data. Don't like them at all.
Not a fault on the Mapumental site at all - they are just using the OSM data direct. But I have to find something wrong with the application... right?!?
Overall Grade: A+
You can also watch a good demo of the site here: